Top 9 O-Level Chinese Study Tips to Help You Get an A1

Many Singaporean children have difficulty with Chinese subjects in school. You are not alone if you are experiencing the same issue. No matter how hard you study, it might sometimes feel like you can’t get the swing. This might make you panic, causing you to forget everything you’ve learned.

The recommendations below can assist if you’re struggling to prepare yet want to ace your forthcoming Chinese examinations.

Examine Your Knowledge of Chinese

To ace your Chinese O-Level, you must first comprehend its structure. As described, the Chinese test consists of the four components listed below:

  • Paper I 
  • Paper II
  • Understanding what you’re hearing
  • Oral examination

Paper One: Composition or Situational Writing

Paper One for the Mother Tongue component of your O-Levels will begin with Situational Writing or Composition. This accounts for around 20% of the whole exam. Therefore you must create something that will astound people who read it.

Even if writing written works isn’t your strong suit, you may still compose a winning composition if you have a strong grasp of the Chinese language.

Aside from that, having excellent imagination that transports the reader into your world might assist you in creating outstanding written works. Of course, reading and comprehending the question before beginning your paper might also aid you in this area.

Paper Two: Comprehension

The Paper Two component of the test is when most students encounter problems since they must demonstrate that they understand the assigned literature properly. Students must read various sections, examine the offered content, and ensure that their replies show that they have properly grasped the essay.

Their responses should be equally correct for the fill-in-the-blank questions and the multiple-choice ones. Unfortunately, this can be difficult, especially considering the time constraints and the fact that this test accounts for 45% of the overall exam.

You must thoroughly prepare for this paper by reading and comprehending Chinese materials. Reading the newspaper or Chinese storybooks is a wonderful place to start.

Paper Three: Listening and Speaking Comprehension

Finally, there is Paper Three, which includes the test’s oral and listening comprehension portions. This accounts for 35% of the total exam score, so you must sufficiently prepare for and do well in this section, especially if the composition is not your strong suit.

Students must demonstrate their verbal competency in the language by responding to a few questions based on a brief presentation. In this scenario, having adequate confidence when presenting and knowing Chinese might be beneficial.

Tips for Preparing for Your Chinese O-Level

Begin planning early.

There has never been a better moment to start studying for your O-level higher Chinese exam than now. As a result, it is critical to begin revising early and to understand what you will be evaluated on.

For example, you may look at past papers on the SEAB website. Understanding how the test is structured and graded is an important element of your preparation.

Create a timetable.

Do you know when the exams will be held? If you do, you should devise a study strategy and arrange your time properly. If you are a parent, you may assist your kid by ensuring that they follow their study plan to improve their chances of success.